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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello people!

I just wanted to give a quick update and let everyone know that God is good! He has been so faithful, when we make mistakes and fall short, He is so good!

We have one more month before we go to another Country. Still don’t know which one, but I’m so ready to get out there and do what I feel called to do.

God is good, even in the midst of our pain. I have personally been working through pain from the past and it has not been easy. But today as I was at the ocean I asked the Lord to show me how to handle pain that had been brought up from the past. He told me to speak life over myself, and forgive myself, like I do to others. He brought so much peace and joy with that, and I’m so grateful that He is still in it with me. Even in the midst of my shortcomings and broken places, He is so good and gentle.

 I have personally experienced so much freedom in these last 3 months. It has been very difficult at times to speak that truth to those broken places, but the Lord knows what He is doing and I will trust Him with it.

Prayer Request:

-That I would continue to show grace to myself 

-That I would continue to recognize the enemies lies 

-That we would continue to extend grace to each other when we mess up and fall short 


-Continued strength and energy for us during the heat

-God continuing to bring my broken places to the surface to be spoken truth to

                                                    -Love Elizabeth 

4 responses to “God is so Good”

  1. Wags, having a front row seat to your continued growth this year has been an incredible blessing. You are known by the way you encourage others and bring joy and life to your surroundings. Keep pressing into the hard stuff, and never forget your unchanging identity in the One who LOVES every piece of you. I love you!!!

  2. Jenna!! It has been an honor to know you and the love of Christ that you walk in. Thank you for walking in all of this race life with me and showing the love of Christ in all of it.

  3. BEAUTIFULLY SAID MY FRIEND!!! I’m so glad God gave you that peace and rest and love!!!! Keep on coming back and coming back and coming back and coming back!!!!!!!! FOREVER!!!! You’re kicking Satan BUTT by doing that!!! I love you!!

  4. Thank you Ari!! He has been so good in that and using hard things to keep me dependent on Him. And it’s ok to have to have hard things to be dependent on Him, that’s how we were created. To not be able to do it alone.