
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello friends!

Well, Costa Rica has been good so far. It has been getting cooler, because the rainy season is hitting a month early. 
Some of the things we have been doing is a lot of prayer. Jaco is a very spiritually dark place. We have devotionals together every morning. We also have been praying with people on the street.

What else you may ask? Well, this week we worked at the recycle center and even brought the youth group yesterday. It was pretty amazing to see you being willing to sort through trash.

We have also been doing women’s ministry. Talking to the working women (women who do prostitution for a living). We are also hosting children‘s events and inviting the women to bring their children. We are also doing another Beauty for Ashes event for the other team living with us, before they have to leave. 

We have some amazing squad mates who are working with the destiny assessment that Oceans Edge does and some working with presenting what is missions to our squad. 

There has been so many different ways to serve and bless here, but we are doing it together. We can’t do it alone. You need the entire body of Christ to work together. You have the support at home, the behind the scenes workers, people up front, etc. A thought I had the other day while I was at the beach was that a drop of water is not very impactful, but many drops make up the ocean. Nothing can stop the ocean, or the impact it has with waves. The same way the body of Christ can look if we aren’t trying to do it all alone. Something I have learned since the beginning of this year. I mean, I knew that in my head, but I didn’t know how to start living it until I was kind of forced in a good way to. 
I love everyone! Jesus love y’all!

Prayer requests…

That we continue to take back the darkness 

That we stay strong in the spirit 


I‘ve been healed from my Asthma by the grace of God!!!

                                                                          Lots of love, Elizabeth 

2 responses to “Costa Rica”

  1. Waggs, Wow! Thank you Jesus for your healing! Yes we are ONE body with many parts! Love that reminder! oxo Kathy