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Mucho Gusto! I’m so happy to be typing this all the way from Costa Rica. Our entire squad which is the five teams combined had been in Antigue together for two weeks. 

Antigue was an amazing time of training. We also took some time to process together our time spent in Guatemala. We hiked a couple volcanoes, did street evangelism and were led to pray for people. 

Costa Rica is a miracle in and of itself that we are here. At the airport we found out we needed proof of exit from the country. We got it on time and barely made our flight. Not only that but they were about to charge everyone who had instruments an extra 55$. But an amazing Spanish speaker of ours talked them down. 

So for Costa Rica has been good. It is so hot!!! But we are all getting tans. We started ministry two days ago. Some people are working on painting walls and light posts in the city to bless it. Tonight some of us, and myself happily are going to work in youth group for several hours. Some people are going to be in worship, some with kids. I will say the last couple of days have been very hot. Painting the wall in the kids park has been a challenge, but we have gotten to meet people who walk by, and even invite a kind lady to the church we are connected with. Another thing is that we are a ten minute walk from the beach and I have been able to go everyday to cool off! 

Through all of the experiences to get here I have seen the hand of God at work in all of it. He provided a way for us to get here. He provided housing for 40 of us as we are connected with another group from Adventures here. It has been so good to see Him in His sovereignty to send us out to spread the Word, even during a global pandemic. I can’t get over the fact of what He has done and what He is doing. 

I love everyone! Jesus loves you and I’ll be back in the states at some point Lord willing.        

6 responses to “The Sovereignty of God”

  1. So proud of you and everything you are doing there! Keep up the good work and may God bless you all for your faithfulness! Peace & blessings.

  2. Elizabeth, que bueno saber las noticias y saber cómo Dios está usando sus vidas.
    Un grande y fuerte abrazo para ti!!

  3. Waggs, Glad your settling into Costa Rica and all the beauty. I didn’t get to say how blessed I was when you quoted all the amazing scripture at debrief! I was in awe…thank you! You are an inspiration for me in scripture memory. Ox

  4. Thank you so much Delaney! I miss you so much! It’s been so long. May God bless you in your faithfulness.

  5. ¡Alex! ¡Un gran abrazo para ti también! ¡Chicos, los extraño mucho! Orando por tu tiempo en Mixco.

  6. Thank you so much Kathy! You and Matt are a huge blessing to all of us and it was an honor to learn from y’all! Cannot wait to see y’all again!